March 8 is National Peanut Cluster Day

Foodimentary - National Food Holidays

Here are today’s five thing to know about Peanut Cluster:

  1. ‘Peanut Cluster’ is referred to a type of candy that mixes melted chocolate and peanuts.
  2. These crunchy treats are a perfect combination of a sweet and salty deliciousness.
  3. There are several versions of peanut clusters including caramel clusters, butterscotch clusters and chocolate peanut clusters.
  4. Peanuts have a higher antioxidant capacity over grapes, green tea, tomatoes, spinach, carrots and many more.
  5. Peanut clusters have been around for many years dating way before 1912 when they were made popular by the Goo Goo Cluster.

Fun Fact:

Astronaut Allen B. Sheppard brought peanuts with him to the moon.

During World War II the  the Emporia Wholesale Coffee Company “shipped approximately 50,000 pounds of chocolate peanut clusters weekly for consumption by those on the fighting front.”


Today’s Pinterest Board : Foodimentary


Today’s Food History

  • 1824 RIP Jean Jacques Regis de Cambaceres, A French…

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